TODAY WE FIGHT!                          6/26/2022

The LORD shared this message with me about ten years ago in a dream. Immediately after waking, I asked the Holy Spirit to dictate to me again, the specifics of His Message and He graciously sat down with me for the next 45 minutes as I recorded it by hand.

Originally, I only shared this message with my immediate family, a few close friends and, pastors; who invited me to share the message with their congregations.

Today is June 25th 2022 and I am in Washington D.C. as the LORD directed me to travel here to pray for our Nation. As fate would have it, I was preparing to head to the National Mall yesterday morning 6/24/22 to pray, but the LORD prompted me to stay at my hotel. A couple hours later, the news broke that Roe v Wade had been overturned by our Supreme Court. I spent the rest of the day praying   and thanking the LORD for ridding our Nation of the curse of abortion on our Nation.

Gradually, I began to realize that this was the moment we Christians had been waiting a very long time for. In fact, I was not really looking forward to traveling to D.C. as I was full of disdain over present circumstances in our Nation and was silently wondering if any good could come from the trip. You see, I have been praying every morning from around 3 A.M. to 6 A.M. for many years and was not impressed with where our Nation is today.

Silently, I was believing for a breakthrough moment here in D.C. and the LORD certainly didn’t disappoint. Gradually, looking over the significance of this event, the LORD began to show me His battle plan for ridding our Nation of the yoke of darkness that has gripped Gods’ elect for far too long.

The LORD is, in effect declaring our true Independence Day.  The Victory is ours for the taking, but we must rise up, taking Courage and Faith as our Amour, and press into the battle. THIS BATTLE IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART OR THOSE LIVING IN FEAR, BUT RATHER, FOR THOSE WHO CAN TRUST AND OBEY THEIR GOD. I believe The Word the LORD shared with me prior to the start of my journey is for all of us. It is from Psalms 121:7-8; “GOD guards you from every evil, He guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, He guards you now, He guards you always.” MSG

The overturning of Roe v Wade was the first step in the battle to take our Nation back. It was the first of many battles to rid our land of the corruption of tranny that has our Nation and its People in its grip. Now is the hour of our greatest Victory and the LORD will not relent until every injustice has been overturned, and every evil plot has been exposed. He will no longer allow darkness to rule over the Land.

Unfortunately, our enemy will not go quietly. The LORD is preparing His Warriors to overcome the enemy.  It is the true Patriots and Warriors for Christ that will turn the tide to Victory. As Joshua was preparing to enter Jericho, an Angel of the LORD appeared before Him. Joshua asked the Angel if he was for him or against him. The Angel replied, I am neither for you nor against you, but I am here to do the will of the Father. In the battles for the establishment of the modern-day Nation of Israel, a reporter once asked the troops if they believed in Angels and Divine Intervention. Their reply was: Believe in them; we wouldn’t be here without them, for they have protected us in the battle.

Our battle will be one and the same, we serve an All-Powerful God and He will utilize ALL the weapons at His disposal to establish His Justice upon the land. We must understand that He is a Supernatural God and knows the beginning from the end. He owns the Chess Board and He owns the Pieces. Let us pray:

Father, I lift up this Nation and its People to you LORD, teach us LORD how to be the light you have ordained us to be. We must learn to be salt and light to the world around us, that your perfect will may prevail in the Lands and Nations of this World. Father, we take back our Nation and the Nations out of the grip of darkness, and choose to remove the veil off of our own pride and learn to walk in humility before you.  Teach us, O LORD your ways, open channels of communication, of Love, and of the Fear and Awe of the LORD, and not our enemy.

Father, through the redeeming work of your Son; forgive our sins; teach us how to walk-in humility, honoring you, your Son, and your Holy Spirit.  Open up to us once again your River of Life, your Love and Mercy. Today, we rededicate our; Hearts and Minds; Soul and Spirit back to you LORD. We tear down the wall of lies and deception and turn from outer darkness to your inner light. Thank you Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would rededicate your People, your Nation, your Church back to your calling upon our lives. Teach us to be your hands and feet LORD; to render Truth, Righteousness; Justice and Liberty to a hurting world. For we do not operate on our own behalf, but for the eternal life of all our brothers and sisters throughout this planet we call our home. Father, we are a mortal people, in need of and eternal God. Guide us into your will LORD; that we might know our destiny in Heaven and Earth, to usher in your Kingdom; the Glorious Kingdom of your Son, as we tear down the walls of darkness and the yoke of oppression that surround us. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen! Thank You LORD!

 This is the message the Holy Spirit shared with me some ten years ago as we sat down together and He dictated back to me, the conversation the Lord and I had shared in my dream. Really, it was more of a love letter between myself and the LORD.


The more of me I hold on to, the less of you I get to share.

Father: I surrender all to you, because I want to walk in all of you. We are about to experience a God moment in America, Praise God… when we come to realize that He alone is our source, and there is no other. Amen.

We are to be, or will be, as the first century Christians, having all in common; relying upon the Lord… in meekness and holiness… even as Christ relied upon the Father only, for everything in His earthly walk. We can experience the true power; authority; and Glory of God upon our lives.

To have all of God, you must lay down all of you. He who tries to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life will save it.

Lord, I surrender all to you, because I don’t want to miss a thing you desire for me. I long for your will, your desire to be complete in me. Father, let thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, upon the sons of men, just as it was your desire, from the beginning Lord.

I thank you Father, even now, in Jesus’ name; I surrender Lord; let us walk in communion together. I in you and you in me; one; even as you and the Father are one, the Holy Spirit as our guide. Amen, thank you Father, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen!

We walk by faith and not by sight, till we are no longer walking only by faith in God, but rather; we walk in the faith of God… seeing His Glory, Power, and Authority at work in our lives. The manifested sons and daughters of God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

Father, give us new and fresh revelation of what you are doing, are about to do upon the earth… Father… let us truly walk in the Glory of God.


Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord rises upon you. You see, great darkness covers the earth, but my glory will rise upon you who call yourself mine and walk not after the flesh, but desire for, are hungry for, the true manifested presence of our God; Amen; Hallelujah.

For it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Trials yes, but His Glory more…and more…and more. Christ said; fear not…for I have overcome the world. Walk ye in the light and not spiritual darkness… for I am light and not darkness. Those of you who walk in my light, my life; will not taste of death, nor walk in the hour of darkness I shall bring upon the earth.

I shall reveal myself to man, that they will know the great and fearful day of the Lord. Those who walk with me, shall have nothing to fear; for I shall be unto them life and light; joy and peace; even in the hour of great darkness, for my light will always defeat the darkness.

Choose ye this day…whom ye shall serve…whether unto life or death; darkness or light. I lay before you to walk in my love and to hate the darkness or to experience the utter deprivation of seeking your own glory; in the father of the lie; even the prince of darkness…who has ruled over this world long enough. For I have overcome the darkness and there is only light within me says the Lord. So, walk ye therein that you might experience my glory upon the earth.

Worthy is the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Be wary, be vigilant, for your adversary desires to have you. For the brighter the light, the greater the darkness around it…but light will always defeat darkness. So, walk ye in my light, and glory, and my peace will prevail.

He who has ears let him hear; for the hour is upon us…that great and terrible day of the Lord is upon the earth…for He has come to claim His bride…and to set the captives free. Walk ye in His light…so let your light shine in dark places…for I have made you light…I have paid the price…the victory is Mine says the Lord…walk ye in my victory; be the overcomer…in me, in my victory. For to those who overcome, they shall be called my sons and daughters. You shall overcome, just as I have overcome, when you walk in my victory. For I have overcome. Just as I am in the Father and the Father in me…so I shall be in you and you in me, and you shall not taste of death…but shall overcome and walk in my victory…when you walk in faith and hunger for the true riches of the kingdom; this is your victory in me says the Lord.

For the time and the hour is upon the earth and the harvest has already begun. Join me in the harvest…for great is your reward in the heavens…to ye who shall overcome…him I will lead to victory…for I Am the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end. The bridegroom says come…be an overcomer and walk in my victory. My victory is for you; for those who have overcome; in me they shall taste victory and be true sons and daughters of the living God.

To His cry we answer yes and Amen. Glory be to God in the highest. Taste of my victory and walk ye therein says the Lord. For it has been done for you by my Son, who tasted death; that you may walk in His victory. True overcomers; In His Glory. Amen.

This is not a message of gloom and doom; but one of hope, one of love, as I desire to show myself to my people…I am breaking up the hard ground and pouring myself out upon my people; that they may know their God and be true (have true fellowship) with their God, King, Lord, and Savior; to walk in His light; victory; Glory…to be partakers and sharers in all that is done, as I pour myself upon you, says the Lord. To he who overcomes, they shall be true sons and daughters of God, clothed in righteousness and filled with my glory; walking in my victory; as true overcomers, just as it was meant to be since the beginning of time.

For lo, I make all things new. Let my work be completed in you, says the Lord; a new man; a new creation…one who walks in my glory…Hallelujah; Yes, and Amen. Again, I say; Arise, shine, for your light has come and the Glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Receive the victory; walk in my victory says the Lord. For the hour is come and is already upon you says the Lord. Walk ye in my light and put off the things of the darkness. Have nothing to do with the prince of the air, but rather walk ye in my light. For my yoke is easy and my burden light, to those who will call upon my name and walk in the light of my victory says the Lord.

Is it a small thing I share with you? For lo, it is my desire to pour myself out unto you in this day; even as I poured myself out on the cross for you 2000 years ago. Walk ye in my light and I will give you life in abundance; without measure; as I pour living waters upon you; that you might be full… to walk in the full measure of my glory in you. Yes, and Amen.

My Response

My one desire is to see your glory rise upon your sons and daughters oh Lord…fill them with your love and use me as an instrument of your manifested glory upon the earth…as it is in heaven. Yes, and Amen.

As we put on the full Armor of God, we shall walk in victory, His victory, not our own. Be sure to put on your armor every day, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler of darkness; and it is only in Christs’ light that we shall see the victory. True overcomers in Christ Jesus. Amen.

I am Gods’ son, the devils’ master, and mans’ servant, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

In the time the LORD and I spent together in D.C. these past few days, He renewed our relationship and shared with me, that the hour has come for the fulfillment of the content we shared in our Love Letter to one another. He told me not to concern myself with past failures and wanted to use this Victory to renew my strength and faith. This is the message He desires to share with each of us.

Much time has past since the LORD first began showing me the battle we are in, beginning some 20 years ago, and I had grown weary and frustrated in the lack of interest as I relayed His message to many throughout the years.

He showed me that we are about to experience a God moment here in the USA. That we as a Nation will come out of it a very different people, God’s People; and that we must bring this message and the lessons we have learned to the rest of His people around the world.

We have always had the opportunity to Arise and Shine… restoring our place in Him, that He has desired to share with us. The choice is always our own. Today is no different. I’m not going to go into any of the details of the battle ahead, but I believe that it can be long and drawn out; or over swiftly; depending upon how we choose to participate, or not participate in this battle.

The longer it goes on, the more deeply our enemy will entrench himself and the greater the difficulty in rooting him out. Each one of us must choose where we stand, and who we stand with… unto Light or Darkness, Life or Death. Will we Rise Up and join our LORD and His Angelic Heavenly Armies in the fight, as true Patriots and Warriors in Christ?

It is well past time to draw our swords and put aside past injustices and fears. Do not bow to the fear of men, but rather, to the fear of God. Let the challenges we face ahead bring out the best in us. What we face ahead will be the greatest challenge we have ever faced in America. It is times like these that bring out the best and the worst in each of us, let the best in you win. You and I were made for a time such as this. This is not about political parties or “My Rights”, it’s a battle against well entrenched darkness in our nation. There is only one path to Victory; together, in Christ; we will be Victorious.  So, hold on, hold on; come and taste of the Goodness of our Creator who will see us through in His Mercy and Grace. It is time to Rise Up, Rise Up. Never, Never, lose hope, for your God is with you, even to the end of the age.

Will we rise up and accept the challenge or give in to tyranny, as a two-year-old throws a tantrum?

America is about to face something that will make our relationship with our God, with one another, and our brothers and sisters all over the world what it was always meant to be; the worlds’ greatest hope for Justice, Liberty, and Truth the world has ever seen. It will give each of us the opportunity to build our character, and most importantly our relationship with our God. Not only is He showing us the birth of our true Independence Day, but a New Resurrection Day for millions of Newborns who previously had a death sentence placed over them. They will be born into a new era, where God the Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit will reign Supreme in this new era the LORD is bringing to the Nations of this World, and America will lead the way.

Together, we will see the completion of the Church Age and the establishment of His Kingdom Age, on Earth as it is in Heaven; and the end to the tranny of darkness. This is not THE END of this world; but rather, the end of the World as we know it, as we enter into the Millennial Reign of Christ. We have been called to bring His enemies to Him, to be used as His footstool as He reigns in Triumphed Glory, where ALL will know Him as Master, LORD, and Savior. He who created ALL that is, was, and ever more shall be… and after Christ’ Millennial Reign, then the end shall come.

Meanwhile, we must be up and doing, establishing His Word as the “Law of the Land”. Preparing not only for battle, but for Victory in His Kingdom Age. We must Arise and Shine in Him, as overcomers before the LORD, ushering in His Kingdom Age.

Pray always, to the LORD of the harvest, that His Love. Mercy, and Grace may prevail. Taste and see the goodness of the LORD!

“Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t late with His promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining Himself on account of you, holding back the End because He doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change”.  2 Peter 3:9 MSG

“And the LORD will be King over All the Earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one”. Zechariah 14:9 NASB

The fool has said in his heart that there is no God and the scoffer has mocked the promise of His return, but the day is coming… is already here… when the LORD Jesus Christ will return as King of Kings and LORD of Lords… and the Earth shall be filled with His Glory, as the waters cover the sea, and of His Kingdom there will be no end.


Today, the Lord is declaring our true Independence Day!

God-devotion makes a country strong; God avoidance leaves a people weak.  Proverbs 14:34

There are many who choose to judge our nation in an attempt to overthrow it and tear it down.  First of all- it is not their country to judge; it is Gods’; and 2nd they are of their father the devil, who is a murderer and a thief, they do not stand for truth, for there is no truth in them.

Today, we must ask the LORD to watch over our fall elections, to protect their integrity and expose any and all corruption that may take place. Also, as His Church; His remnant army; we must vow to protect and serve the innocent lives of the newborns who have been given the opportunity for resurrected life under the overthrow of Roe v Wade. Each of us must rise up to defend and protect their lives.

The wicked schemes of our adversary would have them placed back upon the altar of sacrifice to Baal… that is why we must stand up for Justice and defend the innocent, for if we refuse; can our own lives be far behind, to be thrown down into the dust, as “Jezebels” who refused to change our ways? “Who will rise up for Me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for Me against evildoers”? Psalm 94:16

Are we any better, if we choose to turn our backs on these innocent lives? Will we serve corruption and injustice, or will we rise up in their service before the Lord?.  Our choice is set in stone, the cornerstone of Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior. In Matthew 11:12; Jesus said, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffered violence, and the violent take it by force”.

Today, we must Rise Up, and prepare the Church (We are the Church) for the influx of newborns and their mothers needing assistance. In addition, we are about to experience a great influx of trafficked individuals needing care and mercy. There is a great need to train up God fearing counselors and therapist in the local Church; who understand Spiritual Warfare.

A Proclamation of Grace

“The murder of Jesus, unlike Abel’s, became a proclamation of Grace, not a cry for vengeance.                                        So don’t turn a deaf ear to these gracious words… If those who ignored earthly warnings didn’t get away with it, what will happen to us if we turn our backs on heavenly warnings?

His voice that time, shook the earth to its foundation; this time- He’s told us quite plainly- He’ll also rock the heavens: “One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem to stern”.  The phrase “one last shaking” means a through housecleaning, getting rid of all historical and religious junk so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered.

Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable Kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander. He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and He won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God himself is Fire!”  Hebrews 12: 24-29

The thing God hates most is carnality, which is a form or idol worship. Carnality is losing our vision of eternity, as though this world was somehow our permanent home. It’s forgetting our spirit and disconnecting ourselves from the eternal world of Spirit, His Spirit.   God doesn’t hate us, and He doesn’t hate the world around us; He hates the worship of the things around us.

Grace is being patient with ourselves and others, and yes, patient with God as He moves within us, to restore that which has been lost. That is ultimate Grace.

“The Heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, GOD, search the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be”. Jeremiah 17: 9-10

The sin of America is the Idolatrous abomination of carnality, the ineffaceable sin, as seen on the altars of Baal, where the blood of the innocent children is shed as their life is snatched out of the womb in abortion. Today, we should be celebrating the end of this abomination (Obama-nation), yet I hear no outcry as our Judges and Rulers seek to circumvent this ruling; and our media ignites division and hatred throughout our land.

Where is the Church in all of this? We must Arise and cry out for Justice, and prepare for the needs of these innocents. Or, have we not had enough of the plague and pestilence, plunder and desolation, which they have beset upon the land?

Our God is ever patient, and filled with Mercy and Grace; but how long will we choose to be silent before Him, unwilling to raise the sword of His Spirit; the Word of God; and fight the enemy, to the tearing down of altars of carnality? Will even the very elect be deceived? We must take a stand against injustice, we need to stay angry against this tranny, or be swallowed by it.

It is the dawn of a new day in America. Will we embrace it, and sit down with the one true God, the giver of light, who has our backs; or do we choose to return to this present darkness? (See Psalm 91).

Why do the nations rage against the One True God, seeking council together to outwit Him; He only laughs at them as He prepares to put them out, as the next day’s trash. (See Psalm 2)

When will we wake up, rise up, and stop backing down from our adversary? Do not be afraid, do not fall up the stairs, or off of your bike; for the LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you and lead you on to His Victory. So, we must be up and doing, there is a Nation and a World out there just waiting to be saved. The day of our Victory has arrived, will we join Him in it? There is much to be done, let His remnant arise and join Him at His banquet table. For He has made us to be the first and not the last; the head and not the tail; as the first fruits of His VICTORY!

Happy Independence Day!