Call Forth My Warriors
“We have experienced a massive flooding of the river of life by a demonic attack which has taken all of humanity with it. Unfortunately, much of humanity has bought into the lie and deception. For Just as the flood gates of destruction have been poured out upon us by the ruler of this world, even the prince of darkness… so too have the cries of His people been heard in heaven says the Lord, and there will be a great outpouring of Justice from the Lord, that will, in His great love and compassion, pour out great healing upon the land. Yes, there will be much devastation left in its wake, but the Lord will pour out His Glory upon the land to heal His land and His people.
Just as the flood gates of destruction were unleased upon us in the past, so a much greater flood of His Glory shall be unleased upon the land; for God has heard the cries of His people and will cause there to be a restoration of ALL things; a redemption of past injustices which covered the land. But, there is much work to be done, as He pours out His Spirit, His Glory, His Angel Armies upon the land. We must join Him in this great move of the Lord to aid in the restoration of our fellow man.
Let us learn from our past, to lay aside old beliefs, old paradigms of religious spirits that had placed a veil over our eyes and ears- by the prince of darkness that made us a people of dull seeing and healing, a people unwilling to lay aside old beliefs and enter into the new thing the Lord is doing. It was necessary to wash away all the lies and corruption, that we might embrace the new thing He is bringing to the earth. This flood will wash away all the lies and deception of the prince of darkness, all the greed and corruption of satan’s plot against mankind; to steal; kill and destroy.
Let us wake up to a new day, a new way, one filled with God’s plans for our lives; not that of the church; the government, the veiled deception of the past; but one of a new awakening, the dawn of a new day, one lead by our Lord and Savior, to establish His Victory, His Light, His Love, His Glory upon the earth.
For He decrees: “For I know the plans I have for you; says the Lord, plans for wellbeing, not for bad things; so that you have hope and a future. When you seek Me, you will find Me, provided you seek Me wholeheartedly; and I will let you find me, says the Lord”. Jeremiah 29: 11-13
Wake up, wake up Get going, move forward, for your time has come. Tarry not, for there is about to be a huge void, a huge move of my mercy that needs to be filled. My Love, My Glory will fill the earth and My Warriors must arise to fulfill your destiny in Me says the Lord.
Be strong, be courageous, put on the full armor of God, lead My people forth out of darkness and into My Glorious Light; for it is a new day, a new light of My Glory, My Love, My Compassion for My Children which will fill the earth! So, you must be up and doing, declaring and decreeing My perfect will upon the earth; by My Holy Spirit Lead Warriors joining with My Angelic heavenly armies to bring the restoration of all that is holy upon the land. Join Me, for this is your day of Victory says the Lord!
We are entering a time of healing, a time of restoring, a time of shifting into the Kingdom Age; that of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of My Son Yeshua/Jesus to be established upon the nations of this world as I pour Myself out upon my people again, even as I did 2000 yrs. ago on the Cross, to restore My people, as My children; the Sons of God, not the Sons of Men. Put aside the old wineskin of the Church Age, and lean into the establishment of the Kingdom of God, His Kingdom Age, that there may be peace and rest established in My people, as I restore Truth, Righteousness, and Justice, to the land and My people says the Lord.
Seek Me with All your heart, lay aside old paradigms, that you might experience the power and authority in you, through the righteousness of My Holy Spirit at work in your lives and My Glory shall manifest into your life as you exercise the Faith of God at work in your life, that you might know your place in the family of God, as the manifested Sons of God, to enter into my rest and peace, to find your true destiny in the Kingdom of My Son Yeshua established upon the earth.”
Then the seventh Angel sounded his trumpet, and in a loud voice broke forth in heaven saying: “The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our GOD and His Anointed One! He will reign supreme for an eternity of eternities!”. Rev 11:15
Choose ye this day whom you will serve… You will reap what you sow.